How to hire a web designer?

web designers
image credit: Drazen Zigic - Freepik

Hiring a web designer is the turning point in the development of your business, from prototypes and high-fidelity UI mockups to a functioning, consumer-ready solution.

The main responsibilities a web designer could perform in your company are covered in this article, along with the skill sets needed to construct your product successfully.

Why hire a web designer?

Experience and knowledge are key assets for web designers, and this is what they bring to the table. They understand how to design your website without making it too basic or complicated, know the ideal call to action and where to place it, and are intimate with your target clients’ likings and preferences.

With the help of all this information, they can design a website that is both distinctive and appealing but, more crucially, adheres to SEO best practices.

Expected investment requirement to hire a Web designer

The price of creating a website will normally range from $5,000 to $10,000 when a website designer is involved.

Web designers might bill by the hour or a set cost. But generally speaking, a simple website’s setup, design, construction, and content creation run about $6,700.

Steps to Hire a Web Designer

Recognize what you’re seeking

You must first understand the nature of the position to hire the best candidate. You must specifically be aware of the following five facts:

  • Finalize the kind of designer you require.
  • Choose a content management system (CMS). WordPress and other content management systems are used to arrange your website.
  • Determine the project deadline.
  • Finalize your budget. You may swiftly reduce the pool of designers by establishing a budget.
  • Choose the most suitable payment structure. You can pay an hourly rate or pay per project. 

Search With Google

The internet is the ideal resource for finding qualified web designers and businesses because everything and everyone is now online.

Quick searches like “Web designer + (Your Region)” or “(Your Location) + web design” may be done by opening your search engine. You may also search for possible candidates on freelancing marketplaces like Upwork,, Toptal, and Reddit because many web designers are willing to work remotely.

You may find many web designers and design teams on the result pages, all of which have varying degrees of experience and competence.

Examine portfolios(make sure they have suitable skill sets)

A web designer should also be familiar with current web standards. Therefore, don’t forget to pay great attention to the website service descriptions and biographical details.

The fundamental skills the prospect must be an expert in HTML and CSS, Mobile Optimization, Content Management Systems, Adobe Creative Suite, and Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Connect with the Past Clients of the shortlisted portfolios

Choose a few websites from each designer’s portfolio that you like, then get in touch with the companies that employed them. You may get a sense of how it feels to work with them from this.

Here is a list of queries you may put to a potential client’s previous customers:

  1. How did it feel about collaborating with the designer?
  2. What do you think about how they design?
  3. Has the designer met deadlines?
  4. What was the project’s price from the designer?
  5. How well is your website doing?

Meet the Candidates Who are Selected and Pick The Best One For You

At this point, you ought to have a shortlist of brilliant experts with the necessary skill sets, in-depth knowledge, happy clients, and stunning design portfolios.

Before you employ the designer, you may use this opportunity to learn a little more about them. Additionally, you’ll be able to bargain for just the services you require.

Your goal is to gauge each “finalist’s” methodology and determine how long and how much it will cost to accomplish the job. Select a website designer to whom you feel secure giving your website and who will provide the website you seek.

Settle a contract

The agreement should not be complex, but it must have the following essential provisions:

  1. Work statement – outlining and listing the deliverables the independent contractor is expected to produce.
  2. How will the material be examined and authorized?
  3. Information about the end. Information about how and when each party may end the agreement.
  4. Who is the owner of the rights to the content that is being generated?
  5. Specific legal authority.

Concluding judgment on how to hire a web designer

  1. Find different web designers by using several search techniques.
  2. Look closely at the caliber and usability of a person’s websites rather than just how many of them they have produced.
  3. Examine ratings and comments.
  4. Speak to at least one former client of the web designer you are considering.
  5. Pay great attention to the contract, and if there are any points you don’t understand, don’t be hesitant to ask questions.

What do our website Development services include?

One must ensure their website is designed efficiently to achieve a macroscale audience reach and spawn broader customer engagement.

Using a website development service provided by our company Aarif Habeeb Infosoft, one can upscale their startup by extending their reach via search engine optimization and upstanding marketing & advertisement skills.

Our website offers plenty of services to help you achieve the same.

Graphic Design Services: 

Graphic design is the backbone of a brand’s advertisement as what pleases the eyes sells to the customer. To ensure your website attracts attention, our company provides you with the following services :

  1. We work round-the-clock to help your website stand out in the crowd and establish a brand name with creative and engaging graphic designs.
  2. We provide you with eye-catching graphics to bring your website viewpoints to life.

Responsive Web Design:

Our company helps you create a user-friendly website with the facility of responsive web design to make it easier for your clients to interact with you.

It permits the website content to work effortlessly on all screen resolutions and sizes, helping your web presence become reliable. After all, a website is the digital identity of your startup, and it must be flexible, fluent, and easily accessible to attract traffic.

Web Portal Design: 

If people are told they have only 10 minutes to scroll through the internet, most of them will choose visually attractive web portal designs over plain ones. Having a pleasant web portal design with the assistance of our company helps you become the chosen one, as well as :

  • It sets a good first impression.
  • It aids your SEO strategy.
  • It increases the clarity of your website’s viewpoint for customers’ ease.
  • Build your trust in the audience.
  • It creates consistency across your web page.

Dynamic Website Design: 

To be accessible, a website must be able to change its content with the user’s location, time zone & language of their country. Our company assists you to bring about that and other features like:

  1. Better experience for people using your website.
  2. Trouble-free maintenance of the website.
  3. Ease in updating the content of a website.
  4. Professional layout.
  5. Long-term design.

Custom Web Design: 

For a strong web presence and better growth, it is crucial to have a website that represents your brand. Our company works with you to create a distinctive web design from scratch to ensure an extraordinary user experience.

While the opening cost might seem high, a custom web design helps you to :

  1. Communicate your brand merit.
  2. Create a trustworthy and professional web layout.
  3. Increase search results of your website.
  4. Facilitate an easy user experience.
  5. Conduct changes on the website as per evolving requirements.

Template Design: 

While custom web design provides a unique website layout, for the majority of websites, it is not the most convenient method out of all available. For such occasions, our company provides you with a choice to go with the template designs. This provides you with a bundle of features like :

  1. Handy setup.
  2. Affordable prices.
  3. Ample design choices.
  4. Built-in editing and Search engine optimization to save you time.
  5. Well-grounded feature updates for your evolving website.

Static Website Design: 

While dynamic web design provides a better user experience, it is high maintenance and might even feel unreasonable to use for websites with low traffic needs. Our company caters to your static web design needs and provides you with the following advantages:

  1. Less or no maintenance is required.
  2. The loading speed of your web page is quicker.
  3. No heavy coding knowledge is needed.
  4. It puts up with all kinds of user traffic.
  5. It serves your flexibility needs.

Corporate Website Design: 

Unlike a promotional website, a corporate website has to focus on promoting the whole company instead of an individual brand. Hence, the design requirements for websites are different, and our company works toward fulfilling all of those needs like :

  1. Clear representation of the scale of the company.
  2. Showcasing exemplary ethics of the company to state its reputed brand value.
  3. Giving the audience reasons to trust the brand and be a customer.
  4. A brief introduction to the affiliated brands and sub-brands.

Customized Template Design: 

Even though there are vast options to choose from in a template website design, sometimes users want to tweak a few features and customize them per their requirements. Our company offers you this facility as well to fulfill your:

  1. Low budget needs.
  2. Easy usage needs.
  3. Uncomplicated features for quick customization needs.

Our company Aarif Habeeb Infosoft offers you all the mentioned features, including SEO Audits, SEO Strategy, SEO Project Management, SEO Training, SEO Consultancy, and SEO Advice to boost your website’s growth with a sustainable approach in the least possible time. We also cater to all your website development needs without any glitches.


1. What should we expect by selecting Habeeb Infosoft as a web design company?

Your website is important to convert visitors into customers, and you are at the right place if you select Habeeb Infosoft as a web design company.

Aarif Habeeb has worked for over seven years with national and international firms. He has all the SEO tools to make your website stand out, his website audit will resolve all technical issues, and his creative ideas are perfect for the layout of your website.

2. How much do website design and development costs?

The website design investment will be worth the money and time, so do not hesitate about it. Your investment in web design and development will prosper your business and will increase your rank in SEO.

The prices of website design and development vary. Options such as keyword research, link building, PPC, and a creative and well-designed website are available.

Website design and development can cost around 15,000 to 40,000. SEO at Aarif Habeeb starts from INR 7,999. Packages are available to make your experience better. 

3. Can you help us with the domain, hosting, and SSL?

A website needs a lot of things to garner viewers and customers. We have all the tools to increase the traffic to your website.

Aarif Habeeb can design the website creatively and generate the necessary traffic. So yes, we can help you with domain, hosting, and SSL, in addition to more tools to make your website attract viewers and customers.

The tools range from website and content audit and optimization keyword research to PPC. You can also take a monthly and weekly progress report about your website to help you check the progress.

4. Do you have experienced website designers on your team?

Aarif Habeeb has experience of over seven years being an SEO analyst and expert, he has worked at companies such as WeDigTech and TechnoGrab Solutions as an SEO analyst and team leader, and he has worked for many companies on an international and national level.

He has courses to master SEO skills. You should not worry; all his team members are experienced, and Aarif Habeeb checks all the website designs to give you the best experience.

5. How long does it take to design a website?

Designing a website is a necessary task for your startup, so the more time and effort you will give, the more your website will look creative and useful to the users. At most, designing a website can take from 4 months to sometimes 6 months.

It all depends on your needs and preference. A website design includes the layout, technical parts, link building, and all the other tools that will attract the users and will also convert those users into customers.  

6. Can I see my website design while it is in progress?

Yes, you can see your website while it is in progress. You can check the progress once in a while to see if the website is presenting your ideas effectively. You can make suggestions to get your website customized and look better.

Website creation and designing take time of around 4 to 6 months, so you should check the website for feedback and everything. Monthly and weekly progress reports are available so that you can check the progress.

An analytics report will help you to make the decisions better. A web designer will help you to see the process of your website, as the websites are built on servers so that you can monitor them.

7. How long will it take to build my new website?

Building a website is essential, so you should invest some time to get the best results. The time to create your website will vary depending on your needs, and the more time you give, the best results you will get.

When the website is being created to work well with the SEO system, research is held on the competitors, keywords, and overall market; some websites also need a trial period to check if they are good for the market space. 

Creating a website can take some time, around 4 to 6 months, but the results are going to be worth it. The more time is put into the research and creation of your website you will get the better outcome.

8. Can I update the website myself once it’s been built?

Yes, you can update your website once it’s been built; you can ask for editing tools from the web designer or invest in some editing tools.

Still, one thing to remember is not to experiment on your website when you don’t know how to use the editing software; it may ruin the algorithm and overall structure. You can try some things but only when you are certain about the things.

9. Should You Hire a Professional Web Designer or Company?

There are many options available for startups in web designing, such as DIY templates, a web designer, or a company; DIY templates are cheap but do not give a good user experience; further, a professional web designer is cost-effective and works best for small startups, you can provide your input while working with professional web designer but for technical work, you might have to hire other people.

On the other hand, a company gives everything in a package and covers all the needs, which is best for websites that need more work. In short, you should hire a professional or a company based on your preference and budget.

10. Will My Website Be Optimized for SEO?

SEO tools are necessary to use while making or customizing a website. The SEO tools make sure good engagement, and security and are overall good for your business. Your website will be optimized for SEO in every term at Aarif Habeeb.

Relevant and high-quality links to increase the traffic, content optimization to provide the best keywords to use, and technical audits, PPC, etc. for the overall success of your startup.

11. How Much Does Web Design Services Cost?

An investment in your website design will eventually be worth it, because your website is the gist of your business, and if the visitors are attracted to your website your business is going to prosper too.

Website design services may vary on your preference and needs, meaning the more money you put into consideration the website will be more engaging.

The DIY templates are cheap but will not give a good experience. A web designer or an agency may charge somewhere from INR 15,000 to INR 40,000.

12. How to Select a Good Web Design Firm?

It is hard differentiating between an okay web design firm and a good one. A good web design firm will have a high retention rate, meaning the clients value the web design firm’s service.

Check out the old clients and portfolio of the web design firm. Take a look at the service they are providing. Are they in tune with the new technology? Just checking the firm’s website and researching will make your work easy.

13. How to Select the Right Web Design Firm for Your Business?

There are many self-acclaimed web design experts available in the market, so choosing the right one becomes a task, so when you are selecting a web design firm, you should look at the Google reviews and overall website reviews.

It will give you a general idea of what you can expect. Read the portfolio thoroughly, and do not hesitate to ask questions about the web design firm. Look at the data they are presenting and ask about their old clients; research will find you the best option.

14. Will my website work on smartphones and tablets as well?

Yes, your website will work on smartphones and tablets. Your website must work in good condition no matter the platform or version the visitor uses.

Website designing services know the skills to make your website work perfectly on every type of smartphone, tablet, laptop, etc. A lot of the visitors use their smartphones rather than a computer to check out the website.

Web designers will create and customize your website to work properly on every device, not lag, and load quickly. The website will be in tune with modern technology and trends to make the visitors of your website satisfied.

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